Home Slow Living What’s holding space for me right now?

What’s holding space for me right now?

by Charelle

Even though you might be at the leading edge of change (read my previous post), this doesn’t mean that change is suddenly easy. What I’ve noticed is that the unhelpful habits that have come up for me are actually part of a self-soothing mechanism that’s been there all along.

Whenever I get uncomfortable with a transformation I’m going through, I tend to start snacking or compulsively checking Instagram. These habits were there before this entire lockdown, but have become extra visible to me now. It’s become clear to me they are holding me back from my own evolution.

Nourishing vs. Soothing

Even though snacking and checking Instagram can be nourishing and fulfilling from time to time. If they become my default as soon as stuff gets uncomfortable and I’m experiencing change, then there’s no space for true transformation to occur. Because most of the time, snacking and Instagram aren’t really that nourishing at all, it’s just my mind and subconscious programming that thinks they are. Instead, they are mere escapism from the here and now.

What’s holding space for me right now?

A question that was posed by one of my mentors, Sarah Haggerty, and a question that I’m currently holding is: What is holding the space for me as I am transforming right now?

In other words: What truly, deeply fills me up right now? What can I turn to?

A question that’s actually not that hard to answer. What’s holding space right now is, for instance…

  • Sitting on my balcony in the evening with a cup of tea, watching the sun set behind the trees.
  • Taking baths (I’ve this fun mini tub which I highly recommend!), with two handfuls magnesium salts and a tablespoon of olive oil (this is true magic, when you get out of your bath and have dried yourself, there’s this super comfy non-sticky layer of oil on your body that’s immensely nourishing for your nervous system – a good night’s sleep guaranteed).
  • Dancing! This is an interesting one because my mind likes to postpone dancing as long as possible, trying to get some snacks and Instagram in first. It’s something I’m currently breaking through, because in fact, I love dancing.
  • Playing my ukelele and singing out loud while I do so.
  • Listening to my very own Intentional Dreaming Meditation (it’s on sale now!) before I go to sleep, asking for healing and insights on my own transformation process.
  • Going for walks in the forest. Sitting underneath a tree, listening to the bird songs and the wind… such deep medicine!
  • Hula Hooping! I got myself one of those weighted fitness hula hoops to get some extra core training in, leaves me laughing every single time.
  • I was going to write ‘reading’… but recently I’ve been feeling this is not always filling me up. I’m walking a very thin line between reading for nourishment and reading as escapism… a thin line which I’m invited to explore deeper and get more in tune with. However, there are some books that have really been holding space for me over the past year (not only during this time): Boudica series (fiction), If Women Rose Rooted (non-fiction), Women Who Run With The Wolves (non-fiction).
  • And of course some of my very favourite plant allies, which I’ll write another blog about later, but which include Saffron, Fennel, Milky Oat, Echinacea, Licorice Root, Reishi and Chaga. And my very own houseplants, naturally.

I’m definitely going to expand my list of space holders (practices and herbs) over the coming days, exploring what kind of things are holding space for me right now. And what kind of practices are actually holding me back in my own becoming.

What’s holding space for you right now?

I’d love to hear, what’s holding space for you right now? What are habits you unconsciously turn to and would like to let go of? What practices are actually deeply nourishing you? Share in the comments or sent me a private message of Instagram, I love hearing from you!

Also, if you need help letting go of any stubborn habits, I’m happy to look into that with you during a free 20-minute Dream Talk. With practices from shamanism, hypnotherapy, dreamwork, and past life healing, it becomes way easier to let go of habits that don’t serve you anymore, and adopt habits that will truly help you rise (sister!). To take on your role in the self-healing of our world + make an income doing so!

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